


Desk Research

This research on homelessness, focused on cities, demonstrates we face a very complex problem that affects the analysis and the search for solutions based on social entrepreneurship.

Ecosystem Map

Find here the Expand Ecosystem Map to download.

Programme Components

Challenge brief

9 Steps – Use the brief as a supportive tool to start effectively tackling the challenges at hand.

Challenge brief examples

Utilizing the brief as a supportive tool, learn how to effectively tackle and develop the challenges at hand.

Mentoring Framework

This is a mentoring framework to support the participating students with mentorship during the programme. This framework aims to ensure that students receive valuable guidance and mentorship during their courses, fostering their growth and development..

Pratical Guide#1:

How to collaborate with NGOs by Shedia Street Paper

Pratical Guide#2:

How to collaborate with social entrepreneurs and experts

Pratical Guide#3:

Practices on how to organise a learning expedition

Pratical Guide#4:

How to work with corporations as an impact startup

Tools & templates

Iceberg Model
Impact Gap Canvas
System Map Canvas
Empathy Map
Social Business Model Canvas

Extra resources

Theory of change by Glimps.bio
Theory of change by Espacité
Business case: one pager (Espacité)